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NATO deputy secretary general says Alliance willing to strengthen Moldova's resilience, by observing country's neutrality

14:20 | 14.09.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - The NATO is willing to strengthen Moldova’s resilience, by observing the country’s neutrality. NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana today made statements to this effect at a news conference held jointly with Prime Minister Dorin Recean.  

According to the NATO official, Moldova is an important partner of the North Atlantic Alliance. ‘’From the political and strategic viewpoint, Moldova belongs to the EU’s democratic family. We work together, in order to have a developed army and to strengthen the defence capacity. We want all residents of the country to lead a life in safety, in a democratic and prosperous Europe. Moldova has capacities of innovation and we are set to turn them to account. We assure you that you can rely on us,’’ Mircea Geoana said.     

The official noted that, at present, ‘’there is no risk of military character on behalf of Russia against Moldova.’’  

For his part, PM Dorin Recean stressed that it was quite important that Moldova holds the resources needed for enhancing the defence capacities. ‘’The war in Ukraine has changed much the perception of security both in Europe and all over the world. It is necessary that we make a greater effort, in order to consolidate the defence capacities. We thank the NATO and the allied countries for the assistance provided and directed to the defence and security sector. The modernization of the security sector represents a priority for us; this can be achieved with the help of the NATO. Today, we discussed a new NATO’s initiative on new technologies and innovations. Moldova has what to contribute with in this respect; therefore, we will participate in these programmes. Our country’s intention is to boost the partnership with the NATO and the member countries and the today’s visit represents a sign of support for Moldova,’’ Dorin Recean said         

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana pays a visit to Moldova on 13-15 September. During the visit, the official will have meetings with President Maia Sandu and Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu. The sides will discuss the latest developments as to the regional security, the priorities on the Moldova-NATO cooperation agenda, possibilities of getting expertise and assistance on behalf of the North Atlantic Alliance for the efforts of Moldova’s democratization and modernization, in particular, for developing the security, defence capacities, combating the misinformation and strengthening the country’s resilience, in line with the requirements of the current security environment.      






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