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Energocom, Kuchurgan power station extend contract on supply of electric energy

17:22 | 29.09.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 29 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Energocom Company in next October will continue buying electric energy from the Kuchurgan power station (MGRES). This will be possible after the contract on the supply of electric energy was extended today.      

According to Energocom, the contractual conditions remained unchanged, just as in the last months. Thus, the purchasing price also remained the same and will be 66 dollars/MWh.

In next October, MGRES will provide about 305,000 MWh, which accounts for 85 per cent of the consumption of the consumers from the right bank of Dniester. The rest of the energy needed for October, besides the one produced from renewable sources and thermal power stations (CETs), will be contracted from producers of Ukraine, Romania and the OPCOM exchange.     

In last March, Energocom signed a new half-a-year contact on the purchasing electric energy from the Moldova power station of the Transnistrian region. In late August 2023, Moldova’s Energy Ministry said that it had initiated discussions with MGRES, in order to prolong the contract on supply of electric energy starting from October 2023.  

At the same time, Energocom today informed that negotiation would be held, in continuation, with MGRES for the supply with electric energy, necessary for the consumers from the right bank of Dniester for the next period.   

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