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Painting exhibition by young fine artists from Moldova and Ukraine opened at Europe Café

11:32 | 12.10.2023 Category: Culture

Chisinau, Oct. 12 /MOLDPRES/- A painting exhibition by young fine artists from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine was opened at the EU Information Center in Chisinau - Europe Café.

The exhibition marks three years of Europe Café's activity in Moldova and highlights the role that art plays in connecting communities. It celebrates common values and creates cultural links between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union. The exhibition includes works signed by 14 young fine artists: Eugen Gorean, Dorin Nebunu, Marin Costiuc, Ciprian Antoci, Eduard Leahu, Daniel Căuia, Petru Ceban, Cristina Demian, Mihai Ostahi, Nadia Izosimova, Mihail Lazari, Alexander Kodimsky, Natalia Yampolskaia and Valentin Pascari.

The exhibition will be open until October 31.






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