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Moldova to have code of urbanism, constructions

16:03 | 12.10.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 12 October /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova will have a code of urbanism and constructions. In this respect, the parliament’s commission for economy, budget and finances today organized public consultations on the draft code of urbanism and constructions.   

According to the parliament’s communication and public relations department, the draft code of urbanism and constructions was worked out in order to regulate all stages covered for the erection of a construction.

"This is an extremely important draft. We will finally make proper order in everything which means constructions and urbanism,’’ the head of the commission for economy, budget and finances, Radu Marian, said.     

According to the authors, the provisions of the code will have as result both the removal of all technical and bureaucratic obstacles and will comprise all regulations in the constructions sector in a single normative act.  

All proposals on the document will be analyzed, after which the draft code of urbanism and constructions will be considered in the standing parliamentary commissions. Subsequently, the legislative initiative will be put up for approval in the parliament’s plenum in the first reading.  

Photo: Parliament



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