Moldovan deputy premier attends 16th Berlin Agriculture Ministers' Conference
11:16 | 22.01.2024 Category: Economic
Chisinau, 22 Jan. /MOLDPRES/- Over 60 ministers of agriculture, including Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea, jointly with representatives of several international organizations, gathered at the 16th Ahriculture Ministers' Conference to discuss how agricultural practices can be improved and food security in the world increased. The meeting took place within the GreenWeek-2024 exhibition, held on January 18-21 in Berlin, Germany.
Forum participants agreed on several commitments, including the implementation of the human right to food: adequate food must be available and accessible to all. Implementation of the FAO voluntary guidelines on the right to food should be strengthened and made even better known.
"Sustainable and resilient transformation of food systems: Ministers committed to speed up the transformation towards sustainable, location-adapted and resilient agriculture to achieve Goal 2 'Zero Hunger' and other sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda. Climate protection and biodiversity: Agroecological approaches, ecological agriculture, agroforestry systems and circular economy should contribute to stopping the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity. Regional cycles and regional supply chains should be promoted, as well as sustainable consumption", the resolution of the ministers of agriculture reads.
Strengthening vulnerable groups is also needed: vulnerable groups are particularly affected by food insecurity, malnutrition and multiple crises and should be strengthened. Equal participation, especially of the younger generation and women, is crucial. Strengthening the role of women in the agricultural sector: unequal treatment should be reduced by strengthening women in agriculture, including in management positions. Women should have better access to land and resources.
“Improving fertilizer management and crop protection: production and sustainable use of fertilizers should be strengthened to stabilize yields and avoid a global supply shortage. Fertilizer management should be part of integrated and sustainable soil management. Countries in the Global South should be supported in sustainable fertilizer production," the document reads.