PHOTO About 200 students, resident physicians, employees of Nicolae Testemitanu Moldovan Medical University participate in Donate Blood - Be Hero! action
14:21 | 05.03.2024 Category: Social
Chisinau, 5 March /MOLDPRES/ - About 200 students, resident physicians and employees of the Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) have participated in the action, Donate Blood – Be Hero!
The campaign’s goal is to supply the reserves of blood in Moldova, to promote the sound lifestyle and develop the people’s spirit of social responsibility.
About 100 litres of blood have been collected in all. Among the donors, there was Joshua Bijiu, a third-year student at the Medicine No 2 Faculty, born in India. The donor said he was donating blood for the first time ever. ‘’Many countries face a crisis of blood reserves; for this reason, it is quite important for us to donate, as we give people a chance for life,’’ the young man noted.
The event was organized in partnership with the Association of Students and Residents of Moldova and the National Blood Transfusion Centre.