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Moldova gets one more quota place at Paris Olympic Games

10:37 | 10.05.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 10 May /MOLDPRES/ - A Greco-Roman wrestler, Valentin Petic, for the first time ever has qualified for the Summer Olympic Games. At the last fighting, which ensured him the participation in the Paris Olympic Games, the Moldovan sportsman defeated German Etienne Kinsinger, at the weight category of up to 67 kg.    

Till this performance, Valentin Petic gained another three victories: against Croatian Dominik Etlinger, Egyptian  Mohamed Ibrahim Elsayed and Swiss Andreas Vetsch.   

Another Greco-Roman wrestler of Moldova, Victor Ciobanu, has earlier got a quota place for the Paris Olympic Games.

So far, Moldova has ensured 11 quota places for the Paris Olympic Games.  


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