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Moldovan PM says wider European family means more stability, security, prosperity

16:31 | 21.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 May /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean today met European Commissioner for Neighbourghood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi. At the meeting, the PM reiterated that Moldova’s priorities were aligning with the European Union’s enlargement and namely the edification of a stronger, securer and more prosperous community for the long term.    

The prime minister mentioned the government’s priorities dealing with the creations of the conditions needed for a sustainable economic growth, improvement of the quality of education and life, ensuring the irreversible progress as regards the justice reform, as well as the maintaining of peace and stability in Moldova.     

In this respect, the PM welcomed the unveiling by the European Commission of the draft agreement on negotiations for accession. ‘’We hope that the draft will be approved by the EU member states in the near future, marking the official beginning of the negotiations on accession, through the organization of the first inter-governmental conference. We want to observe the principles of accession based on merit and we make sustained efforts to carry out the essential reforms, in order to strengthen the justice and combat the corruption,’’ the prime minister said.  

During the discussions, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi reconfirmed the EU’s support for Moldova’s European integration way and appreciated the government’s efforts to speed up this process.

The two officials also referred to aspects of the regional security, hybrid challenges and the need to ensure a safe information space. In the context, the Moldovan side stressed the importance of enhancing the resilience and appreciated the support provided by EU to consolidate the security and defence sector.   






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