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President of Moldovan top court says Constitutional Court fittest to impose observance of principle of power's balance in rule of law state

14:37 | 22.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 22 May /MOLDPRES/ - The institution of the Constitutional Court (CC), in a rule of law state, is the fittest for imposing the observance of the principles of power’s balance and consolidation of the democracy. CC President Domnica Manole today made statements to this effect at the opening of the 19th Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC), held in Chisinau on 22-23 May.    

The event hosts over 100 participants from abroad, presidents and judges of the European Constitutional Courts, observers and honorary guests, among whom high-ranking officials, such as: President of the European Court of Human Rights Siofra O’Leary, Venice Commission President Claire Bazy Malaurie, representatives of the associations of constitutional courts of the linguistic and regional groups – Association of Francophone Constitutional Courts  (ACCF), Union of Arab Constitutional Courts & Councils, Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa, Eurasian Association of Constitutional Review Bodies, Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Portuguese-Speaking Countries and others.      

In the beginning of the event, CC President Domnica Manole stressed that the participants in the Congress would discuss the institutional, structural and practical problems regarding the work of the High Courts.   

„It is a great honour for CC from Moldova to organize this important event, in the context of the taking over, for the first time ever, of the chairmanship of the European Constitutional Courts on 25 February 2021 for a three-year mandate. Moldova is small state, which has great aspirations in the direction of the European Union. The CC has recently given a positive notification for a draft on amendment of the Constitutional by referendum, through the introduction of an article which regards the desideratum of the country’s European integration. We hope that the population will approve this desideratum and the accession to EU will become the only option valid for Moldova,’’ Domnica Manole said.  

Attending the event was President Maia Sandu. The head of state referred to the role of the legislative acts in the strengthening of the state’s democracy. ‘’The protection and freedom of the citizens is priority on the agenda of Moldova’s development; therefore, the European integration imposes us to be determined in our actions. The referendum on the country’s European integration will be held in next October; thus, the citizens will make history. The accession to EU means democracy, economic prosperity and integral institutions,’’ Maia Sandu said.  

For her part, President of the European Court of human Rights Siofra O’Leary emphasized the importance of the event, in the context of the strengthening of the work of the High Courts. ‘’The law-enforcement institutions are in charge of ensuring the democratic principles and values. Therefore, the processes of law-enforcement must work correctly, in order to guarantee the fundamental freedoms, the independence and pluralism,’’ the official noted.    

The participants in the Congress will discuss on the Shapes and limits of the judicial deference: case of the constitutional courts. This event is organized within the CECC Presidency of Moldova’s Constitutional Court.   

The Conference of European Constitutional Courts brings together representatives of 40 European constitutional courts or their equivalents, which carry out the constitutional control; the Conference is also the most important European platform of multilateral cooperation between the judicial bodies empowered with the constitutionality control.    






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