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Moldova, Lithuania expand cooperation by signing two new bilateral agreements

16:33 | 27.05.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 May /MOLDPRES/- Moldova and Lithuania will improve their cooperation relations under two new agreements due to be signed on 28 May in Vilnius. The decisions on signing the agreements between the governments of the two states on technical and financial cooperation, as well as on the exchange and mutual protection of classified information were approved today by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on technical and financial cooperation will strengthen economic cooperation, enhance energy independence, and set special emphasis on institutional development and support in Moldova's accession to the European Union.

The promotion of the Agreement will ensure the creation of an infrastructure to support agriculture and rural development, cooperation in the fire and rescue services, strengthening resistance to misinformation, with a particular focus on independent media, increasing energy efficiency, and the extensive use of renewable energy sources.

As regards the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on exchange and mutual protection of classified information, the document establishes the necessary legal framework in this sector.

Both countries will take measures for the protection of information and will grant all exchanged classified information an equivalent degree of secrecy. The document also includes provisions on the duplication, translation and destruction of information, protection measures and access to information, security incidents. The Republic of Moldova also has similar agreements with other partner states, including Romania, Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia.


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