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Moldovan electoral body launches application for preliminary registration of citizens who are to be abroad on day of presidential ballot, referendum

17:01 | 28.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 28 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) today launched an online application for the preliminary registration of Moldova’s citizens will be abroad on the day of the elections for the office of Moldovan president and the republican constitutional referendum.      

At the event, CEC president Angelica Caraman unveiled the procedure of registration in the online application. The CEC leadership stressed that this instrument would allow establishing the number of citizens who will vote abroad. The application contains also the option of registration for the vote by correspondence, valid in the case of the voters in the countries where the alternative way of voting will be implemented: the USA, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland.     

„We have analyzed the problems faced by our fellow countrymen from abroad at the previous ballots. It is about the insufficiency of ballot papers, large distance to polling stations, long waiting there. Therefore, CEC committed to come up with solutions to these problems. The digitalization of the processes and the alternative ways of voting would be viable solutions. Thus, the way of vote by correspondence will be implemented for the first time ever. At the same time, citizens will be able to choose a polling station in the neighbourhood. During the registration, the person will indicate the type of residence abroad - temporary or permanent. If the citizen indicates one of those six countries where the vote by correspondence is implemented, he/she will be able to select this option. The secret of voting will be ensured. The number of polling stations opened abroad will be established based on the preliminary registrations and the data collected by the Foreign Affairs Ministry,’’ Angelica Caraman said.   

Attending the event, the head of the Law and Consular Rights section of the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE), Vadim Zmeu, stressed that the institution was in the phase of preparation for the next autumn elections.    

„We have already submitted instructions to the official delegations, which will deal with the collection of data on the number of Moldovans living abroad. The preliminary registration is an important criterion in establishing the number of citizens living abroad and opening of polling stations,’’ Vadim Zmeu said.   

For her part, the state secretary of the government, Ana Calinici, noted that the institution would provide every support needed for the good carrying out of the elections and the constitutional referendum. ‘’It is quite important that we hold an ample information campaign, so that the citizens learn about this option, which will guide the authorities in the electoral process,’’ Ana Calinici said.      

The preliminary registration can be made on the website till 6 September, by 45 days before the day of elections. At the same time, the person can cancel the application 25 days before the day of the ballot.   

The preliminary registration represents a procedure through which Moldova’s citizens with right to vote, who will be abroad on the day of the polls, are registered beforehand and voluntarily through the official webpage managed by CEC or by written application, individual or group one.    

The elections for the office of Moldova’s president and the republican constitutional referendum will be held on 20 October 2024.  



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