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Moldova's Superior Council of Prosecutors informs about results of interview exam for office of prosecutor general

15:50 | 30.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 May /MOLDPRES/ - The Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP)  today announced the points given to the three participants in the contest for the office of prosecutor general. Thus, following the interview exam, Ion Munteanu got 9.2 points, Octavian Iachimovschi – 8.80 and Alexandru Cernei – 7.9 points.  

The CSP members retired for deliberations.

Under the Law on Prosecutor’s Office, the candidates for the position of heads at the Prosecutor General’s Office must hold the citizenship of Moldova, know the state language, should have an irreproachable reputation and education in the law sector.   

In late last February, CSP cancelled the contest for the office of prosecutor general, after one member of the Council had downgraded a candidate.

Following a decree signed by Moldova’s president on 26 September 2023, the office of Prosecutor’s General became vacant.


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