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MEC: Video about alleged "opening of military-tourist camp" - fake

12:44 | 31.05.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, May 31 /MOLDPRES/ - A video is spreading online that the Ministry of Education and Research is opening "a military-tourist camp for children and starting 1 June several students will participate in military activities, including learning how to use weapons." The Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) today came out with a reaction in this case and denied the information in the video, describing as fake.

"We will ask the competent bodies to identify the persons who are guilty of making and distributing these false statements in the public space, in order to misinform citizens. Please get your information only from official and reliable sources!" the MEC said.

The authorities also warned that the video is not produced by any government institution and is a provocation. Citizens are urged to ignore such content.



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