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Irish Speaker says Ireland supports Moldova's approach to become EU member

17:14 | 31.05.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 31 May /MOLDPRES/ - Ireland supports Moldova’s approach to become European Union member. We back you with great enthusiasm and we want you to become EU member as soon as possible. President of the Irish House of Representatives Seán Ó Fearghaíl today made statements to this effect at a news briefing held jointly with Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu in Chisinau.    

The Irish official stressed that his visit to Moldova was aimed at deepening the parliamentary relations. One of the important subjects discussed by the two speakers was the European integration way of Moldova.

„I appreciate the exchange of ideas which I had at the meeting. A reason for which I am here is the European integration path of your country. In the beginning, when Ireland joined EU, we were among the poorest countries of the European community; yet, at present, we are one of the richest states. The integration into EU represented a driving force in the enhancement of our country’s welfare,’’ Seán Ó Fearghaíl said.    

Also, the Irish speaker appreciated the effort of the Moldovan government and the citizens in providing support to those over one million Ukrainians who had transited Moldova. ‘’Presently, more than 120,000 Ukrainians continue to stay in Moldova. I am much happy that, in this situation, Ireland and EU were able to ease the financial burden faced by Moldova on this period. At the same time, we thank you for the thousands of Moldovan citizens who live in Ireland, who have an important contribution to the economic and social development of our country. I urge them not to lose the connection with their origin country, not to forget its traditions, as well as to nicely integrate in our country as well. It is important that the Moldovans return home with the experience gained and contribute to the development of their country. I am happy that the Moldovan authorities realize the importance of maintaining the strong contact with the Diaspora. At the last Moldovan elections, more than 16,000 Moldovan citizens voted in Dublin, ‘’ the Irish official said.          

For his part, Speaker Igor Grosu said that the today’s discussions had been focused on the events, political and economic situation in Moldova.  

„We had a very good dialogue. We concluded that Ireland and Moldova have more similitudes in their history, as well as in the European integration way. We have what to learn from each other. Ireland quite well understands the condition of European integration of our country. I thanked for the decision to open the embassy of Ireland in Chisinau – a quite strong political and diplomatic event, which prompts us to be even more insistent in establishing a better interconnection between our countries. We know what actions we must continue to do to this end,’’ Igor Grosu said.    

The parliament speaker noted that an important subject had been the agenda of Moldova’s European integration. ‘’I emphasized our progress in the process of European integration; I asked the Irish colleagues to back us in the process of official opening of the negotiations on accession. We also discussed about our Diaspora. I heard very nice words about our fellow countrymen, who had managed to integrate into the Irish society very well. Other subjects regarded: the visas, education acts, recognition of the driver’s licences, which are quite important for our citizens. I also reiterated the fact that we would continue providing support to the Ukrainian refuges, our friends who fight not only for their freedom, but also for our freedom,’’ Igor Grosu specified.      

President of the House of Representatives of Ireland Seán Ó Fearghaíl pays a visit to Moldova on 31 May-2 June. This is the first visit to Moldova by an Irish speaker in those 25 years since the establishment of the Moldovan-Irish diplomatic relations.  

The agenda includes meetings with the head of the parliament’s commission for foreign policy and European integration, Ina Coseru, the members of the parliamentary group of friendship with Ireland and Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi. The discussions will be focused on the country’s European agenda and the support provided by Ireland in the efforts of accession to EU, boosting the parliamentary dialogue between Moldova and Ireland, fostering of the commercial and economic cooperation.    

On his visit, the Irish speaker is accompanied by a delegation of senators.






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