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Runoff of new local polls held in two settlements of Moldova

15:17 | 02.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 2 June /MOLDPRES/ - The runoff of the new local polls today is held in the Tarnova commune, northern Donduseni district, and Bucovat town, central Straseni district. The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has informed that the voting process was carried out as normal.       

All four polling stations were opened at 07:00. As many as 4,259 voters are expected to come to vote, of whom 2,892 in the Tarnova commune, Donduseni district, and 1,367 voters in the Bucovat town, Straseni district.   

A number of 133 voters (4.60 per cent) till 9:00 cast their ballots in Tarnova and 57 voters (4.17 per cent) - in Bucovat.  

The voters who cannot move to the polling station were able to ask for the mobile ballot box at home till 14:00. The application was to be accompanied by a medical certificate.    



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