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Moldovan president participates in population and housing census

15:34 | 03.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 3 June /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has participated in the national population and housing census, conducted in Moldova during 8 April – 7 July. The Moldovan president urged all citizens to participate in this important exercise, to be kind with the census takers and answer the questions correctly. 

The official stressed that the results collected by the National Statistics Bureau would help the state distribute the resources correctly and depending on the needs.  

„I urge each of you to participate in the census, to be kind with the census taker and answer the questions correctly. The census is held once in ten years and help us learn some useful information: how large the country’s population is, how many people live in different settlements, how many houses are connected to the supply with gas, water and sewerage, what occupation and education level the citizens have and others,’’ Maia Sandu said.        

The Moldovan president noted that the information collected was confidential and protected under the law. ‘’The census takers will knock at your doors till 7 July. The interview lasts about 10 minutes. I thank all census takers for the huge effort and patience. I thank all citizens who participate in the census and understand that, in this way, all of them contribute to the improvement of the living conditions in Moldova. Participate in the census! Each man and home matters!,’’ Maia Sandu also said.    

According to the National Statistics Bureau, till 30 May 2024, census was taken of about 1 million 476,000 dwellings (including occupied, secondary and non-occupied) and of about 2 million 167,000 people at the population and housing census.   



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