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Archaeologists from six countries assemble in Moldovan capital

15:04 | 05.06.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 5 June /MOLDPRES/ - Archaeologists from Moldova, Germany, Georgia, Armenia Azerbaijan and Romania have assembled in Chisinau at the archaeological workshop titled, EU4Dialogue: Archaeology. The event is held at the National History Museum of Moldova on 4-6 June.   

According to the Culture Ministry, the archaeologists are set to discuss the Archaeology as cultural and historical heritage, as well as the way of connecting the archaeology with the technologies of the future, thus creating a digital register of the archaeological sites from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova.  

Attending the event, a state secretary at the Culture Ministry, Ion Budeci, said that, through such events, ‘’we make an important step to the promotion of the national project of digitalization of the archaeological heritage, which will be a real and efficient instrument of promotion of the state public policies in the field, of safeguarding and turning to good account the national real estate heritage.’’  

The official reviewed the state policies in the sector, noting that it was badly necessary to allocate proper financial and technical resources, in order to make a rigorous and full inventorying of archaeological sites, to ensure the transmission of this valuable heritage to the next generations. ‘’In parliament, the National Archaeological Register is to be approved, a legislative initiative which will represent a fundamental instrument for the protection and management of our archaeological heritage. This register will allow a clear and accurate record of all archaeological sites, thus facilitating both the research and conservation of these inestimable remains.     

Following the approval of National Archaeological Register, we will have to elaborate and enforce the Archaeological Cadastre, an essential step for ensuring an efficient management of the archaeological heritage. This cadastre will allow an accurate localization and delimiting of the sites, integrating all needed data for an optimal protection,’’ the official said.    

Another important step is the digitalization of all archaeological sites – a national electronic system of registration, record and protection of the real estate archaeological potential.   

The event is organized by the Goethe-Institut Georgia, Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute and the National History Museum of Moldova, with the support of the European Union and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).  


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