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USA imposes sanctions against governor of Gagauz autonomy. Moldovan PM reacts to move

22:32 | 12.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 12 June /MOLDPRES/ - The United States today imposed sanctions against the bashkan (governor) of the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia (UTA Gagauzia), Evghenia Gutul, ‘’for active complicity with the convicted fugitive oligarch, Ilan Shor, and his outlawed party, as well as for facilitating their actions of illegal political interference, backed by the Kremlin.’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean has come with a reaction on this case, noting that ‘’we will continue taking decisive measures for counteracting the corruption and the threats against the national security.’’       

„The USA today imposed sanctions against Evghenia Gutul for involvement in hybrid actions against the state Republic of Moldova and its citizens – actions financed with money from criminal sources. The decision comes following an efficient cooperation with our foreign partners and we will continue taking decisive measures to counteract the corruption and the threats against the national security. The interference actions have the goal of misinforming, perpetuating the corruption, destabilizing and deviation of the democratic processes in Moldova,’’ Dorin Recean said.  

According to the PM, ‘’the prompt reaction of the USA must serve as example for the justice from Moldova to fulfill its duty and defend the interest of the country and our citizens.’’   

Today, the United States announced sanctions against Evghenia Gutul, the bashkan of UTA Gagauzia, ‘’for active complicity with the convicted fugitive oligarch, Ilan Shor, and his outlawed party, as well as for facilitating their actions of illegal political interference, backed by the Kremlin.’’ The sanctions include the blocking of all properties from the United States, banning transactions with people from the USA or inside or who transit the United States, banning the delivery of reception of funds, assets or services and non-eligibility of Evghenia Gutul to enter the United States.  

Also, the United States imposed sanctions against hundreds of entities from all over the world, including three companies from Moldova, for having provided components for aircrafts and electronic devices to companies from Russia. Similarly, the sanctions include the blocking of all properties from the United States or which are possessed or are under control of people from the USA, banning transactions with people from the USA or inside or who transit the United States and banning the delivery or reception of funds, assets or services.   



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