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Elisabeta Palace from Bucharest hosts party dedicated to Moldova

16:33 | 13.06.2024 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - Over 1,000 people have participated in a party dedicated to Moldova, hosted by the Elisabeta Palace from Bucharest. The event was ‘’an occasion to affirm the support of the Crown of Romania provided to Moldova’s aspirations of integration into the European Union and for the edification of a stable, prosperous, free and democratic future for the next generations,’’ reads a press release issued by the Royal Family of Romania.      

Her Majesty, the Custodian of the Crown of Romania and His Royal Highness the Prince Consort invited to the event ‘’representatives from all sectors, of all professions, of all ages and of all religions who live in the sister country.’’   

Attending the event were officials, representatives of the state’s institutions from both countries, members of the Romanian Academy and Moldova’s Academy of Sciences (ASM), high representatives of the Romanian Orthodox Church, foreign ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Bucharest, personalities in the sectors of education, economy, science, agriculture, music, sport and fine arts, as well as organizations, foundations and associations from the two countries.  

„Today, we are witnesses of the most intense and prolific period in the relation between our countries and this strong relation helps us in the nearing of our European dream, for which Bucharest provides us a firm support. And the Romanian Royal Family has had and continues to have a good word to say in this process, speaking out discretely, but firmly for our European cause in the big capitals of Europe,’’ Culture Minister Sergiu Prodan said.    

The people present at the event were able to admire servicemen of the Michael the Brave 30th Guards Brigade and the Cavalry of the National Gendarmerie. The public was entertained with a valuable musical repertoire presented by the Tronos Choir of the Patriarchy and the youth choir from the Balti city. At the same time, royal providers and producers from Moldova participated in the event, who provided the guests of the Royal Family the products of their companies.     

The First Party of the Elisabeta Palace dedicated to Moldova took place in May, last year.  








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