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New support package for Moldova's National Army: EU provides 9 million euros to consolidate air defence capacities

19:34 | 13.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - The European Union provides the National Army with a new support package of 9 million euros for the consolidation of the air defence capacities. The assistance is provided within the European Peace Facility (EPF).   

According to the Defence Ministry, the new package is a part of a wider cooperation with EU in the defence sector and comes following the request by Moldova, based on the assessment of the risks and threats, in the context of the war in Ukraine and its effects on the national security.   

„Starting from 2021, the EU’s support has allowed our country significantly improving the operational efficiency of the National Army, in accordance with the EU’s standards and the interoperability ones. Thus, the defence institution will enhance and modernize the capacities of protection of the civilian critical infrastructure, as well as of the residents in crisis and emergency situations.  Also, it will consolidate the capacities of participating in international missions including of EU, thus contributing to the global peace and security,’’ the Defene Ministry said.      

The new support implies the procurement of air defence systems, which are to be contracted, purchased and delivered according to a scheduled agreed upon with EU. The delivery of the equipment to the National Army will be preceded by an agreement between EU and Moldova’s government, in order to ensure the compliance with the requirements and conditions of the European Peace Facility.   



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