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More Moldovan MPs who blocked parliament's rostrum sanctioned - to be denied access to five parliament meetings

16:53 | 13.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - Seven MPs who would be affiliated with Ilan Shor have got ban from participating in five parliament meetings, after they blocked the access to the central rostrum and hindered the holding of the parliament meeting. The lawmakers were sanctioned at a proposal by Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, backed by 57 MPs.   

„Those who work for another state and have nothing in common with our agenda tried to block the parliament’s work. We imposed a sanctioned and voted it in the plenum, in order to give it to those who try to destabilize. We will act quite resolutely each time when the people who work for other interests and other states will intend to disturb our European integration,’’ Igor Grosu said.   

The sanction regards the MPs: Vasile Bolea, Denis Ulanov, Marina Tauber, Irina Lozovan, Alexandr Nesterovschi, Reghina Apostolova and Vadim Fotescu.

The lawmakers blocked the access to the parliament’s rostrum, discontented with the fact that their verbal interventions would have been limited during the plenary meeting.  

The parliament meeting is to continue on 14 June starting from 10:00.  



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