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Moldovan parliament speaker describes MPs' participation in reception at Russian Embassy as humiliation, servilism

18:03 | 13.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu disapproves of the participation of Moldovan MPs in a reception given by the Embassy of Russia on the occasion of the marking of Russia’s National Day on 12 June. The speaker described this behaviour of the lawmakers as ‘’humiliation’’ and ‘’servilism.’’.     

At the same time, Grosu reminded about the presence of Russian troops on the territory of Moldova and condemned Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine.

„This is a kind of humiliation, dependence, servilism and incapacity to call things by their names, a kind of servant, excuse me for failing to find another more polite word. This is sorrow and let the people know those who have no courage to recognize what crimes the Kremlin and Putin commit along with the entire clique in Ukraine,’’ Igor Grosu said.        

The parliament speaker stressed that Russia defied the independence and sovereignty of the states from their neighbourhood, deploying military troops in Moldova.   

„The Russian army is illegally deployed on our territory; the Russian army illegally keeps its weapons on our territory. The Army of Russia attacked Ukraine. Also the army of this country attacked Georgia. No country from the proximity attempted against this country, on the contrary. This is a state aggressor, led by a war criminal, Putin, who unleased, in their paranoiac, sick ambitions, I cannot describe them in another way, in order to reestablish the empire and I don’t know what ambitions they have there. Because of these ambitions, people die daily,’’ the parliament speaker said.       

More politicians from Moldova on 12 June participated in a reception given by the Russian Embassy on the occasion of Russia’s National Day. Among the people present at the reception, there were MPs Marina Tauber, Vasile Bolea, Vadim Fotescu, Diana Caraman, Bogdan Țîrdea, as well as a former prime minister of Moldova Vasile Tarlev.   



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