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USA, Canada,United Kingdom warn about Russia's attempts to influence presidential elections in Moldova. PM says Kremlin's attempts to be thwarted

20:27 | 13.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Kremlin and its agents are set to influence the results of the presidential elections in Moldova due in the autumn of 2024 and to trigger protests, if the ballot is not won by a pro-Russian  candidate. This is a warning of western countries’ governments. The USA, Canada and the United Kingdom declared support for Moldova and expressed full confidence in the country’s capacities to cope with the challenges. Prime Minister Dorin Recean gives assurances that the Kremlin’s attempts will be thwarted.

„The Kremlin supports its confident persons as candidates for Moldova’s presidency and uses the misinformation and propaganda, in order to fuel tensions in the society. The Kremlin is set to trigger protests in Moldova, if the pro-Russian candidate does not win in the elections. We fully trust the Moldova’s capacity to manage the interference of the Kremlin and maintain the peace and security,’’ reads a press release of the U.S. Embassy in Moldova.   

The USA will continue providing Moldova with support, while the country advances on the way of the democratic reforms, the declaration of the United States also reads.

„We support the free and fair elections and we will not tolerate the Kremlin’s attempts to undermine the democratic institutions and processes from Moldova,’’ the quoted source also reads.   

To support Moldova, the USA imposed sanctions against the persons and entities which try to destabilize the country’s democratic institutions and will continue to take measures to this end, the declaration reads.  

„The Kremlin’s attempts to undermine the sovereignty’’ of Moldova ‘’will be thwarted,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean gives assurances. The official thanked the three states for the support provided to Moldova.  

„I am grateful for the strong support of the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada in the defence of Moldova’s democracy. The attempts of the Kremlin to undermine our sovereignty and to incite to destabilizations will be thwarted,’’ Recean stressed.  

At the same time, Dorin Recean expressed full confidence in the state’s institutions in the ensuring of peace and security. 

„Our institutions are strong and ensure the peace, security and the right of our people to choose its future by itself,’’ Prime Dorin Recean also said.







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