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Ten prosecutors of Moldova's Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office resign from office

14:24 | 14.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 June /MOLDPRES/ - Ten prosecutors have submitted applications on resignation, in the context of the vetting process. The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) stressed that ‘’this situation creates major risk for the institution’s work, taking into account the direct impact on the capacity of management of the high-level corruption files.’’   

According to PA, four out of 38 prosecutors of the institution’s central apparatus chose to withdraw from office, of whom three are from the judicial section. Also, starting from 13 June 2024, another prosecutor of the same section was delegated to exercise the duties of acting deputy chief prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Chisinau municipality.  

„Only six out those 10 prosecutors of the judicial section remain to manage all files submitted to court by the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office. Presently, we have over 500 causes pending, which represents a formidable burden for such a small number of prosecutors who represent the accusation,’’ the institution noted.   

Also, PA stressed that one prosecutor from one of the criminal prosecution departments, in charge of the investigation of the criminal cause called Bank Fraud, had ruled to resign, ‘’leaving a significant void in the team which works on this complex case and of the major importance for the society.’’  

„Four out of 6 prosecutors of PA’s North Office resigned; yet, the North and South offices of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office are to be liquidated according to the legislative amendments concerning the competence of the institution and, as a result, of the new organizational structure. Another two prosecutors who chose to finish their activity were employees of the other prosecutor’s office but PA at the moment of submitting the applications on resignation,’’ the institution specified.     

Thus, 38 anticorruption prosecutors remain in all, who will further work and will have to manage 700 criminal files, including 200 at the criminal prosecution phase and 500 in law courts.  

„Despite these circumstances, the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office stays dedicated to the fight against corruption and will continue to do its utmost, in order to ensure the justice, observance of the law and the edification of a true rule of law state in Moldova,’’ the institution informed.     

On 13 June evening, the Prosecutor General’s Office (PG) informed that ‘’in connection with the notification about the starting of the process of external evaluation of prosecutors from the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, applications on resignation on behalf of nine prosecutors were registered at PG.’’  



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