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High-ranking EU officials welcome official opening of negotiations on accession with Moldova, Ukraine

15:06 | 15.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 15 June /MOLDPRES/ - European Council President Charles Michel, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Parliament President Roberta Metsola have conveyed messages of support to the Moldovan authorities on the official opening of the negotiations on the accession of Moldova and Ukraine to EU. The high-ranking officials promise that the European support for Moldova will continue.    

„I welcome the agreement on principle concerning the frameworks of negotiations for the talks on the accession for Ukraine and Moldova. We are looking forward to the first intergovernmental conferences with both states. We keep our promise and we will support you on the way of accession as full-fledged member of EU,’’ European Council President Charles Michel said.

„Congratulations to Ukraine and Moldova. This is a huge step forward on your path to EU. The European Commission will be with you,’’ European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said.  

„I welcome this important step. The future of Ukraine and Moldova is in EU. The European Parliament will continue working closely with both countries for the accession to EU,’’ European Parliament President Roberta Metsola said.  

The European Union officially opens the negotiations on the accession of Moldova and Ukraine through the organization of the first Moldova-EU Intergovernmental Conference on 25 June, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov said. According to the Moldovan official, the ambassadors of the member countries under the European Union accepted, on principle, the frameworks of negotiation for the official opening of the negotiations on accession with Moldova and Ukraine. 

President Maia Sandu welcomes the decision by the European institutions to officially start the negotiations on accession to the European Union with Moldova and Ukraine. ‘’This is a significant step,’’ the head of state stressed.

Through the accession of Moldova and Ukraine to EU, the European community will become more united and stronger, President Maia Sandu said. 

On 7 June, the European Commission informed that Moldova and Ukraine had fulfilled the conditions for starting the negotiations on accession to the European Union.  

At the summit on 14 December 2023, the European Council ruled to start the negotiations on accession with Moldova and Ukraine. The decision was taken, after the two states had submitted applications on accession to EU and got the status of country candidate for accession two years ago.   

Moldova submitted the application on accession to the European Union on 3 March 2022 and got the status of country candidate on accession to EU on 23 June 2023.   

The Moldovan authorities have the goal of Moldova’s accession to the European Union till 2030.













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