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Access of people to certain public places from Moldovan capital to be temporarily limited given official visit by Italian president

17:22 | 16.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 16 June /MOLDPRES/ - The access of people to certain public places from Chisinau will be temporarily limited on 17 and 18 June, informs the Chisinau city hall. The measure was imposed in connection with a visit paid to Moldova by President of Italy Sergio Mattarella.    

The Italian official will be on visit to the presidency, government and parliament. Also, Sergio Mattarella will attend a concert held at the Palace of the Republic.

To ensure the public order at the visit by the high-ranking Italian official, the police of the capital instructed the temporary limiting, in the time interval 8:00-18:00, of people’s access to certain public places in the centre of the city and the highways which make connection with the Chisinau International Airport.

The capital’s authorities inform that the holding of mass events will not be allowed. The works of repair of roads, electricity, thermal networks, aqueducts, cutting of trees will be temporarily ceased in the perimeters of the streets where the official column will move.    

Drivers are urged to comply with the requirements of the police agents, to prove patience and discipline, without infringements of the roads traffic regulations.   

President of Italy Sergio Mattarella will pay a two-day visit to Chisinau, the presidential institution informed.   

The visit by Sergio Mattarella is the first official visit by a president of Italy to Moldova, with Italy being one of the most important partners of Moldova.   

On the occasion of the visit by Sergio Mattarella, a concert will be held at the Palace of the Republic on 17 June, where the heads of the two states will be present.    

On 18 June, President Maia Sandu will meet her Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella at an official ceremony at the Presidency’s headquarters.





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