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CSM announced contest to fill 17 vacancies for judges at Chisinau Court of Appeal

11:52 | 17.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 17 June. /MOLDPRES/- Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) announced a contest to fill 17 vacancies for judges at the Chisinau Court of Appeal. Judges can apply before 8 July.

According to the CSM, the announcement of the competition has been published in the Official Journal, and applications for the competition will be submitted by 8 July 2024.

According to Article 6(5) of the Law No 544 of 20 July 1995 on the status of the judge, a person with at least four years of service as a judge may apply for the position of judge of the Court of Appeal.

In early May, the Chisinau Court of Appeal was left without half of magistrates after they submitted resignation applications and did not accept to be evaluated.


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