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Forty six vehicles delivered to Moldovan Agriculture Ministry's subdivisions with World Bank's support

14:33 | 19.06.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 19 June /MOLDPRES/ - Forty six vehicles today were delivered to four institutions subordinated to the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry (MAIA). The vehicles were purchased through the Agriculture Governance, Growth, and Resilience Investment Project, for the implementation of which Moldova received a loan worth 50.1 million euros on behalf of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), part of the World Bank Group.     

Most vehicles – 32 – out of those 46 transport means will go to the National Food Safety Agency (ANSA). The rest of the cars were directed to the Agency of Intervention and Payments for Agriculture (AIPA), National Agency of Land Improvements (ANIF) and the Centre of Agricultural and Rural Counseling (CCAR).  

At a today’s event on the transport means’ delivery, Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea said that the value of each vehicle was of 18,490 euros, with the overall investment amounting to 850,000 euros.

Those 32 cars which go to ANSA are endowed with specialized intervention kits, which contain a string of instruments and ustensils necessary for the providing of veterinary medical assistance all over Moldova.  

„The investments made will provide support for enhancing the quality of services provided to the citizens of Moldova and the economic agents and will consolidate the capacities of the state veterinary services for facilitating the operations and development of the network of state veterinary physicians,’’ Vladimir Bolea noted.  

World Bank Country Manager for Moldova Inguna Dobraja said the vehicles would be used, in order to improve the quality of services provided to Moldova’s citizens. ‘’The ANSA employees will benefit from better conditions for work and a set of modern instruments. We will stay, in continuation, faithful to the agricultural sector and the wish to develop the agriculture and food industry of Moldova. If we see, in continuation, results in the implementation of this project, an additional financing will not stay too long. We have the hope that all these efforts will lead to increased exports to EU markets,’’ Inguna Dobraja also said.      

Since Moldova’s accession to the World Bank in 1992, more than 2.1 billion lei has been allocated for over 70 operations. Presently, the WB’s portfolio included 14 active projects with an overall commitment of 849 million dollars. The projects include the reform of regulation and development of businesses, modernization of governmental services, fiscal administration, registration of lands, education, roads, health and the social sectors, including the emergency response to COVID-19, agriculture, water and sewerage and energy.







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