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Moldovan authorities announce five reasons for referendum's organization

16:29 | 19.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 19 June /MOLDPRES/ - The authorities have announced five reasons for the need to organize the referendum for European integration on 20 October 2024. They described the plebiscite as ‘’a historical opportunity which we have been expecting for 30 years.’’    

The pro-referendum arguments were set forth on the „Pentru” (For) telegram channel, launched by the authorities.

According to the quoted source, at present, the EU countries more than ever want Moldova to join EU and our citizens also want the country to be EU member.  

1. We have a historical opportunity which we have been expecting for 30 years - the EU countries more than ever want Moldova to join EU (several years ago, the EU leaders used to say that EU should no longer enlarge) and our citizens also want us to be EU member.  

2. Time is ripe when we are able to turn this support into a real step. Nobody knows when this openness from abroad will ever come – we must be clever, wise and take advantage of this historical moment. We should be thrifty people and take care of our country.   

3. The Moldovans want their country to be in EU and this fact must be reconfirmed also in written form in the Constitution, so that no matter who is at rule, the people’s voice for this direction of development should be compulsory for the political establishment.   

4. There are voices who oppose the accession and they falsely say that the people do not want to go to EU – we must show them that namely this is the democratic wish of the Moldovans. We must not allow the thieves who promote falsehoods about EU, who sell the country and work against Moldova, to destroy our future and present.  

5. The referendum is not only about the future. The referendum is about the present. We have no time to wait for a better future; we must and are obliged to edify a safe present and in welfare.  

The presidential elections and a referendum on Moldova’s accession to the European Union are to be held in Moldova on 20 October 2024.






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