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Moldovan parliament speaker says regional development projects to continue

17:44 | 19.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 19 June /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu paid a working visit to the central Straseni district today. The speaker urged the local authorities from the district to join their efforts for the development of settlements. Grosu noted that 50 projects had been implemented in the Straseni district within the European Village National Programme.   

„The accession to the European Union is our way of development and I urged the mayors and representatives of the deconcentrated public services from the Straseni district to join the efforts for a safe future and welfare in the country. Therefore, it is quite important for that people from each settlement to speak about the projects carried out with the help of the development partners, of the government and of the community,’’ the parliament speaker said at a meeting with local authorities from the Straseni district.  

Igor Grosu noted that, in the last years, there had been dozens of examples in the Straseni district, where roads had been constructed, schools and kindergartens had been modernized, thousands of households had been provided with water and sewerage, entire villages had been illuminated and entertainment places had been arranged, with the help of European funds. In the Codreanca settlement alone, three new playgrounds and sports fields, endowed with modern equipment, worth over 2 million lei, were built though the European Village programme.  

The parliament speaker gave assurances that the process of implementation of the projects would continue and that the authorities would allocate financial means for roads’ rehabilitation.

„For the 2024 year, there will be new projects and over 55 million lei will be earmarked for the rehabilitation of the regional roads of the G type from the district. These modernization projects must continue and we will work to bring Europe to each settlement,’’ the official said.

Placed in the central part of Moldova, the Straseni district, with a population of over 82,000 residents, has 27 mayoralties, 39 settlements, including the towns of Straseni and Bucovat.

According to the official website of the Straseni District Council, the principal branches of the district’s economy are the agriculture and processing industry. To a great extent, the district’s industry is based on the processing of the raw material. The biggest share belongs to the food industry and one of beverages. Other branches of the industry developed in the district are: production of articles of clothing, production of articles made of iron and wood.  







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