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MOLDPRES State News Agency marks 34th anniversary of foundation

14:41 | 20.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 20 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Moldpres Public Institution (IP) State News Agency (AIS) marks its 34th anniversary today. During years, the institution has consolidated its mission to ensure the production and spread of information, publication and editing of official acts, informing the public opinion from Moldova and abroad about the current events. On the occasion of the anniversary, Director of AIS Moldpres Vitalie Hadei said that the Agency would soon have a new webpage and would launch new products, in order to meet the diversified needs of the people.     

„During those 34 years of work, IP AIS Moldpres has distinguished itself both  through progress and by regress, till it got to matter too little both for the public from Moldova and the one from abroad. Connected to the governances of Moldova, just as it is specific to it, the activity of the agency was always identified with them.  I will not recall, on this day, the sad pages, with criminal taste, from the history of the Moldpres Agency, but I would like to emphasize the fact that I found here, almost three months ago since I took over the institution’s leadership, a dedicated team both at the editorial office of the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial) and at the News Editorial Office or at the other subdivisions, willing to change the paradigm, to serve the society on its way to the European integration and to become again an institution of reference on the native media market, as well for the public from abroad. In a short time, the Moldpres Agency will have a new webpage, will launch new products, in order to meet the diversified needs of the public and we promise not to give the principles of the qualitative journalism. Congratulations, Moldpres!’’ Director of IP AIS MOLDPRES Vitalie Hadei said.         

The Moldpres Agency has the mission to ensure the production and spread of information, the publication and editing of official acts, informing of the public opinion of Moldova and from abroad about the current events, state policy and the activity of the public authorities, the providing of editorial, polygraphic services, the production of photo and video materials.   

The News Editorial Office provides the mass media market with a wide range of information products at the subdivisions: Official, Society, Political, Interviews, Commentaries, Events, Culture, Tourist Moldova, Republic of Moldova from abroad, Regional News, Sport, External News, Communiques. Daily, Moldpres reporters cover the most important events of Moldova and from abroad, contributing to the objective and equidistant informing of the public.     

Besides, Moldpres edits and prints the Official Journal of Moldova – the only official publication of the state, public structure of national interest, which ensures a high level of professionalism at the publication of the law which must be known and precisely enforced by the authorities and citizens.  

The Moldpres Agency was founded under the Decision by the Supreme Soviet of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic (RSSM) No 122-XII from 20 June 1990, following the liquidation of the ATEM Moldovan Information Agency. Initially subordinated to the parliament, the Agency switched to the government’s management in 1994. In July 2001, Moldpres switched to the subordination of the State Chancellery of Moldova. During years, the institution was led by Dumitru Țâra, Boris Marian, Mihail Belous, Ion Corețchi, Valeriu Reniță, Vlad Darie,  Andrei Volentir and Petru Beregoi. Starting from April 2024, the Moldpres State News Agency has been led by journalist Vitalie Hadei.      

So far, Moldpres has signed cooperation agreements with the Agencies Ukrinform of Ukraine and ANSA from Italy, BTA of Bulgaria, AGERPRES of Romania, the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the Moldovan State University.     



Any material published on the website of the Public Institution ’’A.I.S. Moldpres’’ (Moldpres News Agency) is intellectual peoperty of the Agency, protected by the copyright. The taking over or/and use of these materials will be made only with the Agency’s agreement and with compulsory reference to source.