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Moldova marks World Refugee Day today

14:09 | 20.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 20 June /MOLDPRES/- Moldova marks World Refugee Day today. On this occasion, the authorities together with development partners met and discussed the importance of continuing actions to support the social integration of refugees.

Attending the event, Minister of Labour and Social Protection Alexei Buzu stressed that it is very important to appreciate the sacrifice of those in Ukraine to protect our democracy, integrity and freedom.

"We are close to Ukraine and we understand everything that is happening and how complicated it is for our colleagues to cope with multiple crises. From the very beginning of the war, frontline workers have been fighting for refugees, children and the most vulnerable. We thank the citizens who have given them all the support they need. We are grateful to our partners, organisations that have supported Moldova's efforts, because we have learned a lot from them. We need to prepare for the long term, to make sure that refugees can be integrated into the labour market, education, social and health system", said Alexei Buzu.

For her part, Daniella Misail-Nichitin, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI), said that today the courage, resilience and determination of millions of people who have fled and are fleeing war in search of a safer place where they feel their lives are not in danger is honoured.

"We never thought there could be war in Europe. Russia's aggression in Ukraine is still generating a lot of suffering, an active exodus that is changing people's lives. We have never faced such a large flow of people to whom we have offered support and protection. I express my gratitude to all citizens who have opened their homes and shown empathy. The Republic of Moldova knows how to mobilise quickly and provide all the necessary support," said the official.

The event was attended by refugees who thanked the host communities for all their support, and representatives of partner organisations gave assurances that they would continue to provide the necessary support in developing services for refugees.

According to the Ministry of Interior, more than 62 thousand foreign citizens have applied to the General Inspectorate for Migration for temporary protection. At the same time, some 40 thousand citizens have already received these documents, 15 thousand of whom are children. Also, 2,500 persons are included in the asylum system of the Republic of Moldova and 2,400 displaced persons from Ukraine have applied for Moldovan citizenship. At present, more than 120 thousand refugees are still on the territory of our country.





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