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Vetting Commission of Moldova: another two candidates for Supreme Court of Justice, three candidates for college for selection, evaluation of judges pass evaluation

18:57 | 21.06.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Vetting Commission today informed that it had finished the evaluation of the candidates for the office of member in the College for the selection and evaluation of judges of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), Ana Zabulica, Stanislav Grosu and Vitalie Pislariuc and the evaluation as regards the candidates for the office of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), Ruslan Berzoi and Ludmila Bolocan. Those five subjects of the evaluation meet the criteria of ethic and financial integrity.   

According to the commission, as for the candidates in the CSM College, the Vetting Commission adopted decisions on passage and in case of the candidates for CSJ, reports with proposals on the passage of the evaluation were compiled, which were submitted to CSM. CSM is to consider the results of the evaluations made by the Commission and to adopt reasoned decisions, through which it will accept or will turn down the Commission’s reports.  



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