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Political pundit sees three conditions for Moldova's accession to EU till 2030

16:11 | 26.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 26 June /MOLDPRES/ - Political pundits describe the official launch of the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union as ‘’a historical event which provides for a new stage in the relations with the member states and the European institutions.’’ They noted that this historical event would be for the benefit of the citizens through direct investments and development of the key sectors, such as justice, economy, infrastructure, energy interconnection.        

Contacted by MOLDPRES, political pundit Nicolae Negru stressed that the meeting in Luxembourg represented a crucial moment and how good the positions will be negotiated with the European Union, whether strong and competent negotiators will be selected, now depends on the Moldovan authorities, especially the government of Moldova.   

„The negotiations start; i.e., the process itself begins. So far, a phase of preparation has been, in order to reach this process. We are to speak accurately on different sectors. Our legislation will be verified or compared with the European one, in order to see what we must do in continuation. When we talk about the importance of the yesterday event, we talk, first of all, about the benefits for the citizens; they are not abstract. Now, we enter another stage of the relations with the European Union; I mean the reforms which we should carry out. For instance, the administrative and territorial reform. This reform will be carried out with the financial assistance of the European Union; certain reforms in the economy, which will bring benefit to all citizens. After all, if both the administrative capacity and the economic capacity of the state Republic of Moldova are consolidated, this will be for the benefit of the citizens,’’ political pundit Nicolae Negru said.      

Negru also touched upon the justice reform. ‘’We would not have started the process of negotiation, if Brussels would not made sure that the present authorities or governance have will power to insist in the direction of reforming the justice,’’ the political analyst stressed.      

„Everybody understands that the justice sector is the most important one. It is not in vain that they say that this direction is a fundamental one, as a lot of things depend on justice – observance of the fundamental human rights. The economy depends on investments. Investors will certainly avoid coming to a society or a state where the justice does not work, while will come to a state where they can defend their rights. The reforms in this field are, first of all, for the benefit of the citizens. They know that, when they go to court and the judge issues verdicts not based on the law, but depending on likings, depending on certain political orders, this is not a fair justice. An independent justice, guided by laws, is vital for the state Republic of Moldova and for any citizen. Certain concrete steps have been already made. Certainly, there is still much work to do; yet, we have a governance which really wants a reform and this is a good sign for the citizens,’’ Nicolae Negru said.      

For his part, political pundit Andrei Curararu said that the openness showed by the European Union and the mentioning by European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi that new members of the European Union would be till the end of the mandate of the new European Commission – October 2029 – fits the strategic goal of Moldova to join EU till 2030.  

„The yesterday event was really a historical one. Each cluster should last not more than one year; these, in particular, meaning investments in agriculture, natural resources, sustainable development, energy efficiency. This means grants and subsidies for electric energy, development of the infrastructure, energy sector. as well as investments in small- end medium-sized enterprises. The European Union wants us to have a really competitive economy, which is not to feel shocks. We understand that there are no fixed dates, but the screening process continues, within which they discuss the objectives which will be put on each chapter and will stay at the basis of the negotiations. The Cluster 1 – Fundamental Values – will be opened next year, which will include the justice reform – a key element for Moldova. It will be opened the first and closed the last, taking into account its importance,’’ Andrei Curararu noted.       

The political analyst also said that there were three basic conditions for Moldova to be prepared for integration into EU till 2030. ‘’We must overcome the risks and threats related to the hybrid war waged by Russia in Moldova. Political will and pro-European governances should exist till 2030. If all these three elements are consolidated, this plan seems pretty realistic,’’ Curararu stressed.   

Referring to the Transnistrian region, Andrei Curararu specified that, last year, 70 per cent of the exports of the economic agents from the left bank of Dniester had gone to the European Union and in the first months of this year, the figure exceeded 80 per cent.   

„The Transnistrian region is part of Moldova’s economy and we must move towards its integration into the white zone of the economy. Subsequently, based on this magnet – pre-accession funds and facilitated relations with the European Union, we should discuss a formula of negotiation of the reunification. There is also the precedent of Cyprus, when there is possibility of integration of the right bank, with the subsequent integration of the left bank. I.e., after all, the precedents also show that the conflicts’ settlement in the context of the European integration is a more realistic possibility than without it,’’ Andrei Curararu opined.   

The negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union were officially launched at an intergovernmental conference in Luxembourg on 25 June. The country’s delegation is led by Prime Minister Dorin Recean. The event was welcomed by the European leaders, who described it as one of historical importance both for Moldova and for the EU states.  






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