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Import licensing for cereals, oilseeds to be extended until end of year

18:15 | 03.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 3 /MOLDPRES/- Grain and oilseed imports will be licensed by late 2024 to protect the economic interests of the country's agricultural producers. The provision is included in a draft law approved by the government today.

MP Alexandr Trubca submitted the initiative.

According to the bill's information note, the proposal aims to protect the economic interests of Moldovan grain and oilseed producers, preventing material damage that may affect them in the context of the impact on the agricultural market caused by the war of aggression against Ukraine.

Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry said at the cabinet meeting that the measures are provisional and aim to protect the economic interests of agricultural producers in our country, "as a result of the crisis in the region, which creates a favorable environment for speculative behavior of some market operators and can cause economic imbalances and export manipulation".

Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that the authorities will continue to support cereal producers, but at the same time opted for "shifting to high value-added agriculture" as a solution to "protect farmers from various volatilities". "We need to gradually move to high value-added agriculture because that alone will protect them from different kinds of volatilities, whether it is the market for finished products or the prices of fertilizers and fuels," he said.

In October 2023, the Commission for Emergency Situations ordered the regulation of the import of certain agricultural goods through authorization during the state of emergency. The need to introduce licensing for the import of wheat, maize and sunflower seeds was explained by maintaining the domestic market for grain products and a sustainable price. This was a way to promote local cereal production and support Moldovan farmers. The decision was seen as a necessary measure balancing the interests of local producers, consumers and the state, ensuring a functional and sustainable market for these products in the Republic of Moldova.

The deadline for the work of the Licensing Commission expired on June 26. According to Customs Service data, since June 26, when the period of compulsory licensing of cereal imports expired, 22 tons of sunflower have been imported into the Republic of Moldova, which does not currently negatively affect the domestic market. There were also no imports of wheat and maize during the period.


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