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15 southern city halls bringing EU home: waste to be collected in line with environmental standards

13:06 | 08.07.2024 Category: Regional

Cooperation for local public service efficiency - Servcom Sud

A new regional operator was set up this summer in southern Moldova to jointly organize public services for waste management, public domain and green spaces.

Servcom Sud will provide services to 15 neighboring communities in Cahul district, with a total population of over 18,000 people. Thus, waste will be collected in containers and disposed of with specialized technology and deposited in accordance with environmental protection standards, which will benefit human health and environment. The company will also maintain roads and areas adjacent to public institutions.

City halls helped by EU to set up modern community services

The regional operator was created with the support of the EU4Moldova: Focal Regions programme, financed by the European Union and implemented by UNDP and UNICEF, with the contribution of nine partner city halls managing 15 settlements. As a first step, an Inter-community Council was set up, which received legal assistance to institutionalize inter-community cooperation. The decision was then approved by the local councils of member communities.

Subsequently, with EU and UNDP support, the newly created service provider received assistance to strengthen institutional and operational capacity, amounting to over 520,000 euros.

Nicolae Beju, Zârnești mayor:

This project has a positive impact on the environment and population health in the localities, people's living conditions, as well as the conditions of activity of the economic operators in the region.

Elena Enachi, Baurci-Moldoveni mayor:

People in our localities will benefit from a change for the better in the community's appearance. We are glad and hope that this form of cooperation will become an experience that can be taken up by other localities in the country, a model of best practice in raising awareness of the need for environmental protection at local, regional and global levels.

A car building and equipment for public services

Backed by EU and UNDP, a car building was built, and the territory of the regional operator was arranged. At the same time, 11 pieces of equipment have been purchased for the public services of the public domain management.

The equipment will be used to provide various types of services to citizens. 

In addition, the regional operator will provide services for a fee to economic agents in the partner localities at a preferential rate. This will contribute to local economic development and local infrastructure.

EU4Moldova: Focal Regions program supports smart, inclusive and sustainable social-economic development in Cahul and Ungheni regions in order to ensure a better quality of life for citizens. The program has a total budget of €23 million, is funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP and UNICEF.


Reporter - Lilia Grubii





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