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Approved by Government: Public institution buildings, new constructions to be compulsorily connected to centralized heat supply systems

18:11 | 08.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 8 /MOLDPRES/- Public institution buildings, as well as new constructions will be compulsorily connected to the centralized heat supply systems (SACET). Government approved legislative amendments today.

Another important element of the draft law concerns the establishment of unitary heat supply zones for which local public administration authorities will establish the obligation for consumers within their coverage area to connect exclusively to centralized heat supply systems, and their disconnection within these zones will be prohibited, unless the entire heat consumption will be covered by renewable sources. At the same time, the draft law provides for the obligation to connect to the SACETs, where technically feasible, newly constructed buildings as well as those undergoing major renovations with the financial support of the energy efficiency fund in the residential sector.

Another amendment concerns the possibility for thermo-energy units to invest in the reconstruction of internal heat distribution systems in blocks of flats in order to modernize and make them more efficient by replacing the Soviet vertical systems with horizontal ones. Energy companies will also be able to equip each apartment with individual meters.

The Ministry of Energy noted that the amendments will bring a number of benefits, such as primary energy (natural gas) savings from combined heat and power generation amounting to 4.7 million m3/year, reduced heat tariffs for households, restoration of domestic hot water supply service, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


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