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Constitutional Court declared as inadmissible complaint by several MPs on Stoianoglo case

16:49 | 12.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 12 /MOLDPRES/-  Constitutional Court today declared as inadmissible the complaint filed by several PCRM MPs for constitutional review of Presidential Decree No. 1122 of September 26, 2023, which dismissed Alexandr Stoianoglo.

The decision is final and cannot be appealed.

The authors of the complaint, PCRM lawmakers, note that according to Article 125 (2) of the Constitution, the Prosecutor General shall be dismissed from office by the President of the Republic of Moldova, on the proposal of the Superior Council of Prosecutors, under the law, for objective reasons and on the basis of a transparent procedure. 

The deputies pointed out in the complaint that the contested decree violates the principle of presumption of innocence protected by Article 21 of the Constitution, as the amendments to the Law on Prosecutor's Office and other normative acts were aimed at dismissing Alexandr Stoianoglo from his post.

After examining the complaint, the Court found that the President of the Republic of Moldova had exercised constitutional prerogatives in issuing the Decree.

Alexandr Stoianoglo was appointed Prosecutor General in November 2019 and was suspended on October 5, 2021. In late September 2023, President Maia Sandu signed the Decree dismissing Stoianoglo from the post of Prosecutor General, based on the decision of the Superior Council of Prosecutors.


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