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World Bank to provide 40 million dollars to strengthen institutions in emergencies

12:40 | 15.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 15 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova will borrow 40 million dollars from the World Bank to improve hydrometeorological services and to strengthen institutions for emergency response. The members of the foreign policy and European integration committee approved a report to start negotiations on the loan agreement.

Thus, 29 out the 40 million dollars will be invested in strengthening institutions for emergency response. Also, 6 million dollars are earmarked for the improvement of hydrometeorological services, and 3 million dollars for risk reducing critical infrastructure and fiscal resilience.

The loan agreement's period is five years. For its implementation, three agreements are to be signed with the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development.



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