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PHOTO Rescuers intervene in liquidation of storm's consequences in Moldova

20:20 | 18.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - Rescuers have intervened to remove fragments of roofs destroyed and to cut the three trees which fell in more settlements from northern Moldova in the wake of the heavy rains and strong wind from 17 July evening.    

According to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), the roofs of more houses were hit in the settlements of Limbenii Noi, Iabloana, Ciuciulea, Viisoara of the northern Glodeni district.  

At the same time, IGSU employees intervened in the Donduseni district too. Thus, in the Taul settlement, this district, the wind deteriorated 30 per cent of the area of a five-storied block of flats, as well as roofs of four private homes and two garages. Also, the wind pulled the roof of a grocery and a garage and a mini-bus were deteriorated following the falling down of a tree. In the Tarnova village, the roof of a house was partially destroyed.       

In the last 24 hours, IGSU employees intervened in 23 cases for cutting trees in the wake of the strong wind. The actions took place in 15 districts, among which: Balti Straseni, Cimislia, Hancesti, Edinet and the Chisinau municipality.   

No victims were reported in the wake of the bad weather. The district commissions for emergency situations work to assess the material damages.





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