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Environment ministry of Moldova asks for opinion of economic agents on Regulation concerning packing, packing waste

11:26 | 25.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - The economic agents of Moldova have been invited to submit, till 1 September 2024, suggestions on improving the Regulation concerning the packing and packing waste.  

This was established during consultations of the Environment Ministry with economic agents on the updating of the regulations on the fulfillment of the requirements of the Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP), in the context of the recent changes brought to the Law on waste.

At the meeting with producers and importers, the discussions were focused especially on the need to adjust the rate of collection of packing waste to the targets established through the European Directive, taking into account the perspectives of Moldova’s accession to the European Union.

The regulation on the packing and packing waste regulates the management of the packing and packing waste, in order to prevent or reduce the impact on the environment, thus ensuring a high degree of environmental protection, the work of the market and avoiding the obstacles to the trade, as well as the distorting and limiting of the competition.

The document establishes the priority measures meant for the prevention of the production of the packing waste and the principles as to the reducing of the final elimination of waste through their reuse, recycling and turning to account.   




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