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Moldovan president, parliament speaker, PM congratulate judoka on wining first medal at Paris Olympic Games

20:29 | 28.07.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 28 July /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova gets the first medal at the Paris Summer Olympic Games. Judoka Denis Vieru today won the bronze medal. President Maia Sandu, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean have come up with congratulatory messages to the entire Olympic team.     

„We have the first medal at the Olympic Games! Congratulations for bronze at judo, Denis Vieru! We are proud of your perseverance and passion! Come on, Moldova! #teamMoldova #Paris2024,’’ the head of state said.

„Excellent, Denis and we thank you for emotions! An entire country is proud of you! Come on, Moldova!,’’ Igor Grosu wrote on his Facebook page.   

„Congratulations, Denis! Your success fills us with pride and happiness. We support our sportspeople, who are to compete and we are waiting for them at home with medals and nice results. Come on, Moldova!’’ said Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

At the small final of the weight category of 66 kg, the Moldovan judoka defeated French sportsman Walide Khyar.

„These are indescribable emotions. We have finally won a medal at the Olympic Games,’’ the head of the Moldova Judo Federation, Andrei Golban, said.   

Thus, Denis Vieru becomes the first judoka of Moldova who manages to win a medal at an edition of the Olympic Games.  

Moldova is represented by 26 sportspeople at the Olympic Games, who will compete at 10 sports events.  





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