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Moldovan judoka winning bronze at Olympic Games makes first statements

21:45 | 28.07.2024 Category: Sport

Chisinau, 28 July /MOLDPRES/- Judoka Denis Vieru has made his first statements after the victory gained over French sportsman Walide Khyar, which brought him the bronze medal at the Summer Olympic Games.  

The Moldovan sportsman told the Moldova 1 public TV station that he was proud of his country, noting that the result achieved in Paris was an important step for his sports future.   

„I feel perfectly. I am proud of my country, of the people who have always been with me, believed in me, supported me. I think that this is the nicest moment. I did it for many people. There is always room for the better, but this is a very important step, a trampoline, I would say, for the future and a good motivation for children, colleagues who aspire to become superstars in judo,’’  Denis Vieru told the public TV station Moldova 1 shortly before getting on the pedestal.   

At the small final of the weight category of 66 kg, the Moldovan judoka defeated French sportsman Walide Khyar.

Thus, Denis Vieru becomes the first judoka of Moldova who manages to win a medal at an edition of the Olympic Games.  

President Maia Sandu, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu and Prime Minister Dorin Recean came up with congratulatory and encouragement messages for the entire Olympic team of Moldova.   

Moldova is represented by 26 sportspeople at the Olympic Games, who will compete at 10 sports events.  








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