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Another Moldovan 20 firemen leave for Greece to participate in missions of extinguishing fires

10:32 | 29.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 July /MOLDPRES/ - Another 29 firemen of Moldova today morning left for Greece, in order to participate in missions of terrestrial combating of forest fires. This is the second group of Moldovan firemen who leave for Greece.    

Thus, the first 20 firemen of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) ended their mission and will return to Moldova on 1 August 2024; they will be replaced by the second group, who set out to Greece to make the staff rotation.  

On the period 30 July – 15 August 2024, the team of firemen of terrestrial combating of forest fires of the Interior Ministry’s IGSU (GFFFv-MD) will be deployed in the Nea Makri region, being ready to intervene to support the Greek colleagues in missions of liquidating fires of dry vegetation and forest fires.    

Alsop, Moldova’s team will get involved in the patrol of the Nea Makri area and will have theoretical and practical lessons on ways of extinguishing forest fires, according to the European standards and requirements.   

Interior Minister Adrian Efros stressed the importance of the participation of the team of Moldovan firemen in this important mission for Moldova in the process of accession to the European Union. At the same time, the official wished the rescuers to successfully arrive at the destination, as well as success in the carrying out of the interventions along with the Greek colleagues.  

The team of Moldovan firemen on 16 July – 15 August participates in the prepositioning mission of the European Prepositioning Programme of the Forest Fires Extinguishing Teams in Greece, Nea-Makri region, organized within the EU’s Civil Protection Mission. The programme is financed by the European Union and a part of expenses is borne by Moldova.       

The goal of the programme is to shorten the response time in the case of forest fires, through the fulfillment of the specific missions of monitoring and extinguishing of eventual fires in the locations established by the local forces, to optimize the work of preparation of the teams, as well as improve the interoperability between them.     






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