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Moldovan parliament convenes at solemn meeting dedicated to 30th anniversary of Constitution's adoption

12:47 | 29.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 29 July /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s parliament today convened at a solemn meeting dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution. The meeting brought together present and former MPs, former Moldovan presidents and parliament speakers, former presidents of the Constitutional Court, members of the Commission and the working group for the elaboration of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution, who directly got involved in the working out of the state’s Fundamental Law.   

The solemn meeting started with the honouring of the state symbols and the National Anthem of Moldova was sung by a choir of disciples of the Stefan Neaga Centre of Excellence in Arts and choral artists of the Maria Biesu National Opera and Ballet Theatre. Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu was the first to address the audience.   

„We are on an anniversary day, which represents a moment to reflect on the rule of law values in our country. We have here with us MPs who were in the hall when the Constitution was voted, as well as the ones who were members of the Commission for the elaboration of the Fundamental Law. Naturally, some lawmakers abstained from voting, because of the erroneous formulation of the Article 13 on the name of the language,’’ the speaker said.   

The parliament speaker stressed that, 29 years after the adoption of the Constitution, on 16 March 2023, the current legislative period did justice and, in the entire legislation of Moldova, the syntagm ‘’Romanian language’’ replaced the one of ‘’Moldovan language.’’ ‘’And already on 11 March this year, the high Constitutional Court confirmed the decision and the syntagm ‘’Romanian language’’ remains in the entire legislation of Moldova,’’ including the Constitution,’’ Igor Grosu said.     

In another context, the parliament speaker noted that the Fundamental Law of the country was not only a legal act, but also transposes some identity markers. ‘’Or, the factors of language, religion, culture, geographic position, aspirations also show that we are Europeans. The future of our country is European one and we should be firm in this decision as an independent and indivisible state,’’ Grosu also said.  

Attending the event, Prime Minister Dorin Recean said that ‘’today we appreciate the democracy as lifestyle, as only the democracy can generate well-being in freedom. The democracy means also the responsibility to develop and modernize our society and this effort is a continuous one – for the people living at present and for the next generations.’’   

„In next autumn, we will everybody participate in an extremely important exercise of the democracy – the constitutional referendum for the European Moldova, which will legitimate, once and forever, the will of the entire country to be part of the great European family. Or, the prosperous future of a country is the sum of our common choices, of each of us,’’ the PM also said.      

The Day of the Republic of Moldova’s Constitution is annually marked on 29 July. The parliament adopted Fundamental Law on 29 July 1994 and the document entered into force on 27 August 1994.  














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