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Overall agricultural production increase by 5.5 per cent in Moldova in first half of 2024

15:16 | 30.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 July /MOLDPRES/ - The overall agricultural production in the households of all categories increased by 5.5 per cent (at comparable prices) during January-June 2024. against the same period of the year before. The National Statistics Bureau (BNS) unveiled figures to this effect today.   

More exactly, the increase of the overall agricultural production was due to the growth of the vegetal production by 13 per cent and of the animal production – by 4.4 per cent.   

In January-June 2024, in the households of all categories, a 10.1-per cent increase in animals’ production was recorded, generated by a 17.7- per cent growth of the production at the agricultural enterprises. Concomitantly, the production of animals decreased by 1.8 per cent in the residents’ households.   

BNS data also shows that the production of milk decreased by 1.3 per cent in all categories of households, as a result of its 4.9-per cent diminution in the residents’ households. At the same time, the production of milk grew by 18.8 per cent at the agricultural enterprises.      

The production of eggs in the households of all categories dropped by 10.5 per cent, as a result of a 18.8- per cent decrease of the production of eggs in the residents’ households.  

According to the situation from 1 July 2024, an increase in the number of animals was registered at the agricultural enterprise against the concerned date of the previous year, except of the number of milk cows. At the same time, in the residents’ households, the number of animals of all species decreased, except of the pigs.    



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