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Giurgiulesti-Galati customs checkpoint to be modernized to enhance mobility of passengers, goods

14:43 | 31.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 31 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Giurgiulesti-Galati customs checkpoint, placed at the border between Moldova and Romania, will be modernized, in order to optimize the services provided and facilitate the mobility of passengers and goods. The project is implemented by the customs Service (beneficiary), in partnership wuth the Romanian Customs Authority (project leader) and is co-financed by the European Union.      

Thus, the Customs Service will carry out the feasibility study for the organization and electronic management of the traffic on the Moldovan side at the Galati/Giurgiulesti/Reni border crossing points; the Giurgiulesti Customs Control Area will be extended and the system of utilities will be constructed, including sanitary units, system of torrent waters’ evacuation, restoration, enclosure. At the same time, the project sees the setting of customs control equipment, such as the stationary scanning of trucks, system of scanning luggage, balances, informative panels, equipment for loading/unloading.   

At the same time, the Romanian Customs Authority will place ten working posts for customs control; another eight working posts for customs control will be rehabilitated and 12 electronic informative panels will be purchased, due to be placed above control lanes, which provide information on the type of traffic on the concerned lane.  

Following the project’s implementation, the operational capacities of the two countries’ customs authorities will be improved, the international trade will be facilitated and the cross-border traffic of goods and passengers will be eased.

The project was launched at the headquarters of the Galati-Giurgiulesti Border Customs Bureau. At the opening of the event, the leadership of the Customs Service expressed gratitude to the European Commission for the grant provided to Moldova and Romania. It stressed that the joint implementation of the project, which is one of strategic importance for the development of the Moldovan-Romanian border region, reconfirmed the advanced character of the Moldovan-Romanian customs cooperation.     

The project is co-financed by EU within the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Corridors, through the Connecting Europe Facility CEF Transport 2022. The overall budget of the Project is 4, 516, 600 euros. The Customs Service of Moldova will benefit from a grant worth 2,103,650 euros and 2,147,640 euros will represent the co-financing of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). The duration of the project’s implementation is of 35 months.   






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