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Legislation on external evaluation of judges, prosecutors to be optimised in Moldova

16:59 | 31.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 31 July /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament today adopted legislative amendments for the optimization of the external evaluation of the judges and prosecutors. An initiative to this effect was voted by 56 MPs in the second reading.      

The document was worked out by a group of lawmakers of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS), in the context of the optimization of the processes of remedying of deficiencies detected at the enforcement of the legislation on the external evaluation of the judges and prosecutors.  

The document’s authors propose to complete the Law on measures related to the selection of candidates for the office of member in the self-managed bodies of judges and prosecutors with an article which will regulate the procedure of contesting the decision of the Commission on evaluation, in order to exclude the re-evaluation many times of the same person by the pre-vetting Commission and the endless perpetuation of contestations.  

Also, the MPs propose amendments to the Law on the external evaluation of the judges and candidates for the office of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice and the Law on the external evaluation of the judges and prosecutors and the change of normative acts. Respectively, the judges and prosecutors who fail to pass the external evaluation, will not have right to issue acts of disposition, till the consideration of the contestation by the Supreme Court of Justice. According to the authors, this proposal is necessary, in order to reduce the risk of committing judicial abuses and to enhance the trust in justice.    



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