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Parliament standing committees held 263 meetings last session

10:48 | 06.08.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Aug 6 /MOLDPRES/- In the spring session 2024 of the Parliament, the standing committees convened in 263 meetings. 335 reports have been approved.

According to the parliament's communication and public relations department, the members of the committee on economy, budget and finance convened in 29 meetings and approved 97 reports, 15 joint reports and 14 opinions. The legal commission on rules and immunities approved 66 reports, 11 joint reports and 17 opinions. Members of the social protection, health and family committee convened in 19 meetings. They approved 34 reports, 10 joint reports and 83 opinions.

Standing committees are parliament's working bodies that are elected for the duration of the parliamentary term and their nominal composition is determined taking into account the proportional representation of the factions in the legislature.


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