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BRINGING EUROPE HOME: Family in Riscani district living better after energy-efficiency improvement to home with EU support

13:16 | 07.08.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Aug 7 /MOLDPRES/- A family with three children from the village of Rămăzan, Riscani district, which makes a living from a small rabbit farm has made their life easier after the implementation of a project financed by the European Union and carried out with the support of the UNDP Moldova.

Buntîl family will be able to save money on electricity, thanks to the nine photovoltaic panels installed on the roof of the family house, with the financial support of the European Union, under the Green Home programme.

Over two hundred energy-vulnerable households, including 74 family children's homes benefited from energy efficiency measures thanks to the Green Home programme.

The Green Home programme is funded by the European Union and carried out with the support of UNDP Moldova, aimed at promoting energy saving and energy efficiency practices and technologies, especially in energy-vulnerable households. The residential sector is the largest consumer of energy resources in the Republic of Moldova.

"Supporting and encouraging the use of renewable energy solutions in energy vulnerable households is key to achieving an inclusive transition to a sustainable future. Ensuring access to affordable, clean energy not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but also alleviates energy poverty, improves health and quality of life for the most vulnerable members of our society", says Solomon Ioannou, Representative of the EU Delegation to Moldova.

For more than 20 years, the UNDP-EU partnership has improved people's lives, made their voices heard and promoted local environmental and climate solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.





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